I have been a member of the Bio-One family for over 2 years now and every day brings new challenges. Some days are easier than others. Bio-One is a high stress, high paced environment that can be very demanding. When people find out what I do, they don’t understand how I could stand to do it. After the initial shock, they usually follow up with asking what the toughest part of the job is.The answer? Everything. Almost nothing about this job is easy, so having the emotional resiliency to bounce back and get the job done is a necessity. Keeping your mind sharp, being emotionally available, and mentally strong to help our clients through some of the toughest events in their lives is essential.
This job can be very physical in many ways but having the emotional strength to accomplish the job is what is really needed. Not everyone can do what Bio-One does. It takes a lot of strength, mentally & emotionally. When dealing with the Crime & Trauma Scene Cleanup, it isn’t just the scene we need to remediate, there are also the loved ones to deal with. They are in pieces usually and grief comes in many forms. Bio-One team members need to be able to adapt to all kinds of different environments and emotions in any given situation. This takes a lot of emotional resiliency on our part. Therefore, Self-Care is so important for Bio-One members to practice. We need to ensure we are taking care of ourselves and doing what we can to stay mentally healthy. Working in a high stress job that deals with environmental hazards as well, we need to make sure we are at the top of our game. We love what we do, so staying our best selves is important.
Self-Care is important in any job field, now matter where you work. You need to be your best you, so don’t put yourself on the back burner. Your Mental Health is important and should be right up there with exercising and health eating. So, next time you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by any given situation, take a step back and relax. Do what you need to do to regroup, recharge, and prepare yourself to take on the tsks ahead. You got this! Self-Care is Self-Love.